Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Recession and male eating disorder!

Anorexia nervosa is a disorder wherein a person fears of gaining body weight. Such people limit their intake of food, watch and weigh calories before eating, exercise vehemently and starve whenever possible.

Generally women are prone to anorexia as they feel that dieting improves their body shape and look, better their performance in socializing, attracts attention of more boy friends, getting and retaining nice jobs with lucrative remuneration, etc. Parents also encourage limited eating in girls in their anxiety to prevent them from becoming obese and over weight.

An interesting study in London revealed that male anorexia, popularly known as 'Manorexia', has been on the increase in the present economic recession world over!
More and more men in their prime of youth suffer from this eating disorder.

Detailed analysis shows that the reasons for the above are strange and weird as listed below.

- Unemployment and the resultant inability to buy sufficient food
- Frustration that leads to depression, lack of appetite and sleep
- Demanding jobs wherein the guy may be a misfit for the job (but still hangs on
to the job)and unable to perform and the consequent stress build-up

In addition to the above reasons, keeping body fit, beauty consciousness, socialising and attracting girls are also important considerations for manorexia.

Proper medical advice, economic independence and quality food at affordable price appear to be the solutions to minimise this eating disorder.

1 comment:

  1. Eating disorder is common among teenagers and kids, esp. to young women. Contact eating disorder treatment right away if you have any questions regarding eating disorders.
