Saturday, June 18, 2011

Swithover to virtual gym for effective weight loss and body shape!

Are you one of those poor things struggling hard to reduce weight to keep your body in shape? Have you found various traditional workouts a flop show? Here is a very good news for you, kick all those useless gadgets and get onto ultra modern virtual gym for sure success. Simply visit daily online health clubs while in office or at home or at any place of your convenience and time and follow the instructions.

Researchers from Indiana University have found that use of virtual gym is as effective as that of real gym gadgets. It was exciting to note that the weight loss at the end of a three month program in either method was equal. In fact confidence and motivational aspects were found to be higher in the case of weight watchers in the virtual gym.

This new technique is a boon for those people who have limitations like discomfort with fitness center atmosphere and inconvenient timings.

Though virtual gym is in the experimental stage at present, it is bound to hit the market with a big bang in the near future.


  1. Way cool. I'd rather do this than go to a smelly gym. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. This is a boon indeed even for me.
