Friday, April 27, 2012

An app for your favorite dreams!

Dreams are at your control now, thanks to an app known as Dream:ON from Apple Store.  You have a variety of 20 situations to set the backdrop of your dream.  You can select an environment such as a lazy stroll on the beach, meditating on a calm and serene garden, racing through a space odyssey,  etc., on your app; the corresponding sound-scape is picked up by the app.   Choose a wake up time too.  With the preselected wake up time and sound-scape place the iPhone near you on the bed before sleep. The app does the rest of the job for you.

It has been established by research that dreams occur 20 minutes before wake up time in general.  The app triggers the sound-scape 20 minutes before your wake up time, your dream time.  Your dreams are punctuated with the appropriate background sound so that you can enjoy your dreams thoroughly.

Your dreams can be sent to the database of the system and analyzed by experts for any corrective medication.

Now your dreams are in your palm literally, enjoy them!



  1. Now this is a cool app indeed. I would like this a lot. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. This actually would probably keep me up a lot, haha. I always need quiet and as a
    motorcycle accident lawyer
    , good sleep, lol! Maybe my 18 month old might like it...

  3. Dreamy app indeed!But problem is if I program it on it is bound to wake me up at least 40 minutes earlier!
