Sunday, May 29, 2016

The pastor and the stranger!

MY father, pastor of a church on the outskirts of a large city, was accustomed to receiving calls from transients down on their luck requesting some sort of assistance. 
One evening he had a phone call from a man requiring transportation to a neighboring
community about 20 kilometers away.
My father met the stranger and drove him to his destination. 
As it was a cool evening and the fellow was lightly dressed, my father insisted that he take his overcoat. 
When the man got out of the car he thanked my father, buttoned the overcoat, tucked a large heavy shopping bag under one arm and hastily walked off.  
The next morning, my father had a call from the police informing him that they had apprehended a man trying to unload some rather suspicious items at a local pawnshop - candle holders, vases, ornaments, all of distinctly ecclesiastical origin. 
They had found my father's name on the label inside the man's overcoat. 
Asking the constable to hold the line a moment, my father went next door to the church for a quick inspection. 
Sure enough!   Someone had broken in the night before and had made off with a variety of items. 
My father, the pastor, had unwittingly driven the getaway car.

Source: Internet


  1. Bwahahahahahahahaha. No good deed goes unpunished.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺
